Classes, Training, & Paw Points

Created: 1 January 2024, 20:26:45 EST
Last updated: 3 January 2024, 01:38:33 EST

Classes, Training, & PawPoints

In Mothcrest, Crestians all fall  into different Classes, all Crestians start out as "Unclassed". A Crestian must go through various different trials and tests, and complete a wide range of Training to go up in class, or "Level up". Leveling up also requires Paw Points, or "PP" These points are acquired through Drawing your Crestian and partaking in group activities and events.


Rules & Guidelines

  • In order to reach the next class, Crestians must complete a minimum of ONE Training prompt from that class.
  • Your Crestian must complete their Coming of Age before they can Partake in Class Training.
  • up to THREE crestians can partake in a single Training Entry.
  • Members can collaborate or commission these pieces.
  • Only the owner can submit their crestian to rank up.
  • Crestians should be focused on their training.
  • Once you have chosen your profession, your Training entries should pretain to said profession.


Art Guidelines

  • Crestians are required to be at least 50% Visible
  • A  Background is required
  • Required Creatures, NPCs, or objects are required to be at least 50% visible.

Literature Guidelines

  • A minimum of 500 WC is Required
  • Your Crestian should be mentioned throughout a majority of the piece.
  • Required Creatures, NPCs, or objects are required to be mentioned at least FOUR times


Paw Points Guidlines

Choose One

Participation: +3
This is obtained by depicting your Crestian In a prompt, They do not need to be a focus character to gain these points.


Focus Character: +6
This is obtained by being a focus Character in a Prompt.

Activity Bonuses

Gathering Prompt: +1
This is obtained by depicting your Crestian in a Gathering prompt, They must be a focus character to gain these points.

Seasonal Prompt: +2
This is obtained by depicting your Crestian in a Seasonal prompt, they must be a focus character to gain these points.

Monthly Prompt: +2
This is obtained by depicting your Crestian in a Monthly prompt, they must be a focus character to gain these points.

Class Prompt: +3
This is obtained by depicting your Crestian in a CoA or Training prompt, they must be a focus character to gain these points.


Miscellaneous Bonuses

NPC: +3
These points are obtained by depicting an NPC alongside your Crestian. This does not stack.

Collaboration: +2
These points are obtained by Collaborating with one or more other users on a piece. Whether this be literature or art, both are accepted.

Bonded: +2
These points are obtained by depicting Your Crestian alongside their Bonded partner. This does not stack.

Leader: +2
These points are obtained by depicting your Crestian alongside another Crestian with the Leader Sticker Badge. This does not stack.

Companion: +1
These points are obtained by depicting your Crestian alongside an official companion that you own. This does not stack.




Softpaw Training

Those in the softpaw class are generally young crestians making their way in the world, they are young, inexperienced, and just graduated from their Coming of Age Ceremony. Though on rare occassion some crestians never move out of this class.

  • Coming of Age Sticker Badge
  • 100 PP
  • Participate in Each Gathering Activity Once
  • Softpaw Sticker Badge
  • Softpaw Gift Box
  • +5 to Each Stat
  • 1,000 AC
📝Training Prompts


Prompt One

Prompt info here!

Prompt Two

Prompt info here!

Prompt Three

Prompt info here!

Prompt Four

Prompt info here!

Prompt Five

Prompt info here!


Citizen Training

Those in the citizen class are seen as the common folk of mothcrest, they work hard everyday to earn their keep for themselves or their family. A large portion of Mothcrest's inhabitants reside in this class, They are your average everyday crestians.

  • Coming of Age Sticker Badge
  • 200 PP
  • Participate in Each Gathering Activity Once
  • Softpaw Sticker Badge
  • Softpaw Gift Box
  • +5 to Each Stat
  • 1,000 AC
📝Training Prompts


Prompt One

Prompt info here!

Prompt Two

Prompt info here!

Prompt Three

Prompt info here!

Prompt Four

Prompt info here!

Prompt Five

Prompt info here!


Merchant Training

The Merchant class are much like those in the Citizan class, except they have begun work in a more specialized profession and are beggining to learn the inner workings of the trade. This class has an extra amount of caps in their pocket for spending on the finer things.

  • Coming of Age Sticker Badge
  • 400 PP
  • Participate in Each Gathering Activity Once
  • Softpaw Sticker Badge
  • Softpaw Gift Box
  • +5 to Each Stat
  • 1,000 AC
📝Training Prompts


Prompt One

Prompt info here!

Prompt Two

Prompt info here!

Prompt Three

Prompt info here!

Prompt Four

Prompt info here!

Prompt Five

Prompt info here!


Artisan Training

The Artisan class holds many crestians who have become masters of their craft. They have worked hard in their profession and learned to make and sell high Quality items. These folk have a love for fine things, and can afford to spend their extra caps frivolusly.

  • Coming of Age Sticker Badge
  • 800 PP
  • Participate in Each Gathering Activity Once
  • Softpaw Sticker Badge
  • Softpaw Gift Box
  • +5 to Each Stat
  • 1,000 AC
📝Training Prompts


Prompt One

Prompt info here!

Prompt Two

Prompt info here!

Prompt Three

Prompt info here!

Prompt Four

Prompt info here!

Prompt Five

Prompt info here!


Noble Training

The Noble class have much wealth and no longer need to work, though that doesn't stop some. These members of society live their life with ease and often can be seen holding golorious parties and events, They enjoy spending time with other members of this class.

  • Coming of Age Sticker Badge
  • 1600 PP
  • Participate in Each Gathering Activity Once
  • Softpaw Sticker Badge
  • Softpaw Gift Box
  • +5 to Each Stat
  • 1,000 AC
📝Training Prompts


Prompt One

Prompt info here!

Prompt Two

Prompt info here!

Prompt Three

Prompt info here!

Prompt Four

Prompt info here!

Prompt Five

Prompt info here!


Monarch Training

Those in the Monarch class are of the highest social standing in all of mothcrest. A fair few can make it to this level, Those who do are expected to be worshiped and respected by everyone in mothcrest. Most Lore Figures and very important NPC's will bear the mark of monarch.

  • Coming of Age Sticker Badge
  • 3,200 PP
  • Participate in Each Gathering Activity Once
  • Softpaw Sticker Badge
  • Softpaw Gift Box
  • +5 to Each Stat
  • 1,000 AC
📝Training Prompts


Prompt One

Prompt info here!

Prompt Two

Prompt info here!

Prompt Three

Prompt info here!

Prompt Four

Prompt info here!

Prompt Five

Prompt info here!