Coming of Age

Created: 19 December 2023, 17:25:25 EST
Last updated: 5 February 2024, 03:21:19 EST

Coming of Age

In Every Crestian's life, there comes a time where they grow and become an adult. This time is different for everyone, but such a notable feat is taken seriously by the crestian council and as such each crestian is awarded a Coming of Age Medal.


Activity ​Requirements


General Rules

  • A maximum of Four Crestians allowed to participate per image.
  • Your crestian should be focused on the chosen prompt.
  • Your crestian can be depicted in almost any type of location, indoors or out, so long as it fits the prompt.
  • Your crestian should be depicted in the correct location, these do not need to be exact. For example, if your prompt takes place in Mothcrest fields, you must draw some sort of field!

Art Requirements

  • At least 50% of your Character must be Showing.
  • Simple Background
  • Images should be a minimum of 512x512 in size.
  • Images can have Filters such as Greyscale, Sepia, etc.
  • Each crestian should be easily reconizable.

Writing Requirements

  • There must be at least 300 words.
  • You must mention the character's name at least Twice.
  • You must mention why, how, or what they are doing.
  • You must mention a location (Forest, river, etc.) and something to do with the CoA at least once.


The Trials

There are a variety of trials that your crestian must pass inorder to achieve this medal and status, below you can see each one and the various prompts your Crestian can partake in. Your crestian must complete one prompt from each category to complete their CoA, but can complete all the prompts for extra goodies and rewards!


Trial of Instinct

The Trial of Instinct, (ToI), is where young crestians can prove their Intelligence, wit, and natural instincts. How does your crestian respond to certain situations? Perhaps they flee, or maybe they dive in head first to a dangerous situation.


Fight or Flight

A dangerous situation arises where a helpless crestian or creature is in danger. Jumping head first to save the creature seems like the only course of action to help them, but doing this would put you in harm's way. Maybe there is another solution to the problem that needs a bit more thought.

Raging Rapids

While following the marked path in The Amberwood, You stumble across a bridge that has been destroyed by the river below. The water is moving at dangerous speeds and is not safe to cross, but straying from the marked path is not advised as these woods are full of danger, Perhaps there is a safer way around?

Food Shortage

After a Massive Winter storm, a Local village has been Snowed in with no crestians coming in or out, A Messenger Owl has carried out a letter begging someone to come and deliver food and other supplies. Though the storm has cleared, there are still mountains of deep snow and unstable grounds, your crestian has an idea of what to do, but it may not be the best option.


Trial of Spirit

The Trial of Spirit, (ToS), is where young crestians can prove their Courage,  Integrity, and Inner Spirit. How does your crestian respond to difficult situations? Are they Honorable? Do they follow the world's moral compass or are they more intune with their own?



In life, many things can influence us, and make us feel that we should behave a certain way. We may feel what we are doing is justified, or perhaps we were brought up being taught that there is a correct order of things. One of these well-known things is bullies; at some point, everyone comes across one of these. Perhaps your Crestian Stands up to bullies and defends those who are unable to defend themselves; or maybe, your Crestian is the bully. What makes your character behave this way?


Mysterious Stranger

You have heard some rumors about a shifty character roaming around Mothcrest, you have unintentionally run into them! Your crestian is weary of this character as they have heard some unsettling rumors, Does your crestian act on what they heard? Or do they give this stranger the time of day to show who they really are?


Right or Wrong?

You come across a situation where your morals are drawn into question. On one hand, it makes sense to take this course of action, but at what cost? It is a difficult decision to be sure, but something must be done or there will be even worse consequences.



Trial of Vitality

The Trial of Vitality, (ToV), is where young crestians can prove their Strength, Willpower, and Brawn. How does your crestian fair against a tough opponent? Do they have enough willpower to not steal from others? Does your crestian have the ability to stand their ground in a difficult situation?


Dangerous Feral

An out-of-control crestian has been attacking unsuspecting travelers, sending many crestians to the infirmary. The Guards have put out warnings to all travelers that this crestian has no remorse and will attack on-site. Does your crestian search out this character? Do they get pounced while traveling? How does your crestian react to this situation?


Me, Myself, & I

It has been quite some time since you have had some extra Acorn Caps to spend, your stomach empty, your paws hurt, and you're simply Exhausted. While out in the world, you stumbled across a small outpost with food roasting over a fire, a warm bed, and many herbs hung out to dry. Does your crestian resist the temptation to steal? Or are they not afraid of the consequences and make themselves at home?


Brute Strength

While many situations require careful planning, and careful thinking, sometimes the best way to handle a situation is simply brute strength. There are many situations in which strength is required and admired; Whether it be hauling goods from town to town, or maybe a tug o' war match against your rival.


Trial of Passion

The Trial of Passion, (ToP), is where young crestians can prove their Loyalty, generosity, and Love. How does your crestian treat another? Do they have enough empathy to comfort another in trying times? Or do they flounder and struggle to find their words?


Young Hearts

As a Young crestian, you often start to have feelings for others, whether it be good friends, a Crush, or your soulmate. Your crestian should show this special one how they feel, Do they hug their friend, or bring them some flowers? Perhaps they are a bit more unconventional and show how they care another way.


Family Matters

Water is sweet, but Blood is thicker, Family is important, at least to most crestians. Each crestian came from somewhere, and has a family of some kind, Who does your crestian consider family? Is it a Parent, or a Sibling? Or perhaps a close friend!



When looking for that special someone, sometimes you have some competition. While you may feel that this special someone is falling for you and only you, You still find that you need to prove yourself against another who is competing for their heart. This rival is your equal in every way, what is it that makes you stand apart from this rival?