Marking Guide: Ebonymark

Created: 12 February 2024, 01:03:16 EST
Last updated: 12 February 2024, 01:03:16 EST


Ebonymark covers the extremities and withers of a crestian in a black or near black marking.

Rarity: Free

Pass Rate: 0%

This swatch is optional, but is safe to use for any design,

you may also choose colors similar to what is shown on the swatch.

REMEMBER! Colors should never be darker than a value of 8!


Color Options

  • Derived from design ❌
  • Picked From Swatch ✅
  • Natural Color ❌
  • Any Color ❌

Design Options

  • Hard Edge ✅
  • Soft Edge ✅
  • Blended Edge ✅
  • Halo Edge ❌


Check below for the range of this Marking!



Below you will find examples of this marking!