Marking Guide: Color Points

Created: 30 January 2024, 12:14:50 EST
Last updated: 31 January 2024, 00:55:07 EST

Color Points

This marking adds colorful points onto the extremities of your crestian.

Rarity: Uncommon

Pass Rate: 40%

You may only select any ONE color from the above swatches.

You may choose any color, regardless of lineage or coat color.


Color Options

  • Derived from design ❌
  • Picked From Swatch ✅
  • Natural Color ❌
  • Any Color ❌

Design Options

  • Hard Edge ✅
  • Soft Edge ✅
  • Blended Edge ❌
  • Halo Edge ❌


Check below for the range of this Marking!



Below you will find examples of this marking!